jeudi 27 novembre 2014

A small recap until now !

I focused my blog around one specific subject, Additive Manufacturing in other words 3D printers. The last two decades this breakthrough technology had changed the lives of many people in many different sectors, from the medical and dental sector, to the food, fashion and even art sector. 

The several articles I wrote, demonstrate how this technology, can be used in our daily life and how affordable it became especially the last 5 years. We must not forget though the adverse effect of this technology through the possibility of building guns so easily as exposed in the last article. Moreover except the price of the printers that has been decreasing more and more, the accessibility has increased too for another reason. Thanks to the internet, many open sources files exist and therefore any individual that has not a 3D scanner and has access to internet, can for instance download them and use them to build any item he desires. 

I really believe that 3D printers will continue to expand and offer more and more features and help to improve our life on a daily basis. This blog helped me to follow regularly new achievements that were made particularly in the medical sector, such as the personalized hand and foot prosthesis. This technology continues and will continue to impress me day after day.

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